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Why Choose a Migration Agent is the Best for Migration to Australia?


Counted amongst the Top 3 study abroad destinations, Australia attracts more than  500,000 students every year after the USA and the UK. Australia promotes innovation,  creativity, and independent thinking throughout its universities. 

To study in Australia, you are required to obtain a student visa contact to the best student visa consultants. There are various  subclasses of the Australian student visa, however, international students planning to  study in Australia for the first time are required to apply for an Australian Subclass 500  Student Visa. It usually takes anywhere around 17-32 days for processing a student visa  for applicants of higher education in Australia. This is usually the minimum time that a  visa process can take, however, it can go up to 3 months for your student visa to be  processed. Applicants are hence suggested to apply at least three months before their  classes begin. 

Migrant Agents make the application process a lot easier. They work closely with the  applicant to complete and fast track both the enrollment with the education provider of  their choice, as well as the Student Visa application. Studying in Melbourne, Australia is  a life-changing experience, and consultants guide you through the visa application  process from start to finish. What are the documents required for an Australian Student Visa? 

International applicants must submit the following documents: 

  • Proof of Identity 
  • CoE, letter of acceptance and support 
  • Evidence of having enough money to stay- 62,222 AUD 
  • Provide evidence of having genuine access to the money 
  • Evidence that you are exempted from paying visa application charge, if applicable Evidence of OSHC 
  • GTE documents 
  • Language documents- Scores of exams required to study in Australia Partner documents, if valid. 
  • Documents for dependents and children, if applicable. 


There are many scholarships, grants, and bursaries which can help support you  financially with your studies in Australia. They are offered by the Australian Government,  education providers, and a number of other public and private organizations. As an  international student in Australia, you can expect to live, grow, and learn in a young,  friendly country full of opportunities. For those international students who successfully  complete their degree, they will soon find that they are competitive in today’s international  job market. 

The grant of scholarship is basically on merit and the students have to demonstrate their  eligibility for the scholarship they are applying for. There are no qualifying exams for  scholarships in Australia. The major scholarships programs available for international  students are: 

  • Australia Awards: The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education  links, and enduring ties between Australia and our Neighbours through Australia’s  extensive scholarship programs. The program brings together scholarships offered  by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), the Department of Education and the  Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).  
  • Destination Australia: The Destination Australia Program (DAP) is the Australian  Government’s new mobility program for domestic and international students to  study in regional Australia. Over 1000 scholarships will be available each year to  support both domestic and international students studying at regional campus  locations in qualifications from a Certification IV level and above. Australian tertiary  institutions will be able to apply for scholarships of up to $15,000 per student, per  year. 
  • Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship: The Australia APEC Women in  Research Fellowships are open to high-achieving female researchers from APEC  economies for research opportunities in partnership with Australian education and  research institutions. The fellowships aim to support women’s economic  empowerment in the APEC region and raise the profile of female role models in  science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  
  • Provider scholarships: Australian education providers regularly offer scholarships  to qualifying international students, based on academic merit. Consult with the  admissions team or international office at the provider you are applying to for  further advice and information. 

Awards are open to all fields of study, however, study programs that relate to the priority  themes of international trade, pandemics, security and climate change are encouraged.  There are no qualifying exams for scholarships in Australia. The only exam which the  students may have to take is the IELTS. As an international student in Australia, you are  not just adjusting to a new culture, you are adjusting to a new education system. Here are  top five tips to give you some idea of what to expect and how to cope in your first  semester. 

1. Save money on books 

There are ways of bypassing buying an original textbook.

  • Library: Your university library is likely to carry the books that have been prescribed  by your units. . 
  • Buy second-hand: Ask your seniors or family relatives who might have done the  same course. Also check Facebook groups that sell or exchange books specific to  your course. 

2. University study support services 

Australian universities provide a ton of support services to assist your needs  

  • English mentors: If English is not your first language, no worries. Every university  has programs or mentors to help improve your English skills. 
  • Course advisors: Consult your course advisor before making any decisions  regarding units or courses. They are there to help plan your academic journey. Counselling: Do not hesitate to seek professional help from university counsellors. 

3. Get organized 

Keeping track of classes, workshops, assignments, exams, all in your head can become  really stressful. In order to keep yourself organized, keep things that let you  maintain your everyday routine.  

  • Planner: Write down all important dates including assignment deadlines, exam  dates and class schedules in your planner. 
  • 4-subject notebook: It saves you the trouble of carrying multiple notebooks for  multiple subjects. 
  • Apps: For technology-lovers, apps like My Class Schedule: Timetable (Android) or  Class Timetable (iOS) keep a track of your deadlines and classes. 

4. Reach out to peers and teachers 

Seeking help from your classmates and teachers can be the best way to interact with  them. If in doubt try approaching your peers and work together. Australian professors are  very approachable and accessible.  

In the beginning, being an international student can make it feel like you are competing.  But with time things will eventually get easier and adapting won’t be so difficult. 


For more detail contact Rapid Education & Visa consultants for Study visa & PR Assessment of your profile:

Drop us an email at: info@rapidmigration.com.au

Give us a call at: +61 03 96630944, 0120-6618011, 61 405-903-744.