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Protect Yourself Legally During Divorce

Ghothane Divorce Lawyer

Going through a divorce can be a harrowing experience. A relationship you have been emotionally invested in has come to an end. While you go through the emotional process, you also need to look after yourself financially and legally, so that you are not left without the resources you need to make a new life for yourself.

How do you decide whether to tackle the legal process on your own or seek the services of legal counsel? Where can you find the support you need?

Where to find out your legal rights

As you navigate your way through the decision to divorce, you must equip yourself with knowledge and information about the process and your rights within that process. And choose the best divorce lawyer that guides you the right way.

Resources such as Family Relationships outline information such as:

  • An explanation about divorce
  • Information on separation
  • How to apply for a divorce
  • What to consider in relation to your children and property
  • The timeframes involved in the process.

There are three aspects you need to consider in the divorce process:

  1. The formal termination of the marriage
  2. Resolution of property matters
  3. Decisions about children

You may find this information equips you to manage the process yourself or you may prefer to have the guidance and resources of legal representation to support you.

The emotional toll of divorce

The process of divorcing can be made by mutual agreement and many couples come to an amicable arrangement. However, the resolution of the relationship can become complicated and bitter when this is not the case. It’s important to be aware of the emotional toll on yourself and how this impacts your communication with your ex-partner. This is compounded when you need to help your children through this change in the family structure. Be mindful of the impact of your communication and actions on your children’s emotional stability. You might like to consider assistance from a variety of support services such as:

Health Direct Ph: 1800 022 222

Beyond Blue  Ph: 1300 22 4636

Relationships Australia Ph: 1300 364 277

MensLine Australia Ph: 1300 78 99 78

Lifeline Australia Ph: 13 11 14

Problems to avoid

Divorce brings a huge change to your personal situation. Your actions impact your children as well as your extended family and even your friends. In order to deal with all of the practical and financial aspects, you need to maintain your emotional wellbeing as well. It is easy to become caught up in feelings of being wounded or to take an aggressive approach towards your ex-partner, their family, and friends who do not understand your experience within the relationship.

It can be easy to make impulsive decisions or adopt self-defeating coping behavior. This can lead to severely negative or even dangerous outcomes. These actions can lead to putting yourself into legal jeopardy, so keep in mind the need to avoid:

  • Using drugs, alcohol, gambling, or promiscuous sexuality to cope with the loneliness
  • Letting angry impulses overtake your interaction with your ex-partner
  • Making big changes in other areas such as your employment or financial resources
  • Making possessions and assets more important than a sound resolution
  • Taking on the legal and financial aspects of the separation with limited understanding
  • Involving your children in your treatment of your ex-partner
  • Cultivating vengeful thoughts and actions toward your ex-partner

Where possible, involve professional people who can be objective about your situation and provide sound advice and/or emotional support. You need to focus on gaining the best outcome which supports you and your children while resolving the matter with your ex-partner.

It is important to give yourself the time and support so that you can make considered decisions focussed on the best legal, emotional, financial, and physical outcomes for everyone.

Change Legal Documents

Where there are shared assets and property within a marriage, these need to be transferred to the person who is awarded ownership as part of the terms of division. This includes:

  • Titles for property
  • Bank Accounts
  • Rental Agreement
  • Mortgage Agreement
  • Shares and investment documentation
  • Superannuation Accounts
  • Other financial agreements such as loans for cars and other assets

Failing to have the correct names on this documentation can mean you suffer financial losses.

One aspect that many people overlook when going through a divorce is the need to change your Will so that it is relevant to your new marital status. Make sure you seek advice on the rewording of your Will so that it best reflects your intentions.

Ways to assist your case

As you can see, there are many aspects covered in the finalization and settlement for a divorce. It can be confusing and stressful to make sure you have protected yourself in all legal aspects. Finding experienced, knowledgeable advice will help you move through the process of divorce with the understanding and clarity you need. Divorce is one of the biggest changes in your lifetime, which can cause stress and distress if you allow it. Have a team of people from a variety of professions around you who can give you sound legal, financial, and emotional support as you make these important changes.

Please avail yourself of the information on our website. As you begin processing your divorce and have a chat with our team lawyers about how we can assist.

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. We bear no liability if action is taken with the above content without our advice. The laws are constantly changing. You should always act on the latest laws. Please contact us to keep up to date with all the latest updates published on our site from time to time.


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