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Speed Up Website Load Time with Cloud Services


We have undoubtedly arrived at a fork in the road. Richer material, whether it’s more images or whole photo and video galleries is becoming increasingly popular among corporations, individual websites and blog owners. As a web programmer or designer, you’re well aware that this sort of information significantly slows down the loading of a website. The problem is considerably more challenging in terms of User Experience (UX). Rich multimedia enhances the user experience. Slower website loading times, on the other hand, immediately translate to dissatisfied users who will eventually abandon the site and maybe never return. EstNOC provides VPS and dedicated hosting services along with data center and cloud computing in Switzerland and 40 other countries.

Getting back to website speeds, even when you employ techniques to speed up the site like compression and enhanced browser caching, photo and video-rich websites might still take a long time to load. So, how can you create a website with many movies and photo galleries while keeping the user experience as smooth as possible? Is it possible to find a pleasant middle ground?

The solution can be found in the cloud, that’s correct. Data backup and security are the first things that spring to mind for most of us when we think of cloud computing servers. While the cloud provides these services, did you know that there are other solutions available to assist you to speed up the loading of your website, particularly if it has a lot of images and videos? It’s also shockingly easy to accomplish. This article examines several potential strategies.

Create a website with video and photo galleries that can be accessed from anywhere

Did you know that you may utilize links, code, and plug-ins to route website visitors to distinct cloud-based video and photo galleries? Because the web browser may request material from two or more distinct servers at the same time, the overall load time of the page is significantly reduced. And the good news is that for such a wonderful solution, there are a number of low-cost cloud alternatives dedicated to making gallery creation and video and photo storage easier:

Private Cloud: The most difficult and expensive cloud option is the private cloud. Private clouds may be set up within a corporation, making the solution extremely expensive. However, if you have the necessary knowledge and experience in this field and administer many websites. it may be worthwhile to investigate the possibility of creating your own private cloud.

Public Cloud: Commonly used systems, such as the increasingly popular Google Drive is available through public cloud providers. Clients can also use remote cloud services from several information technology (IT) companies. Always compare prices and security. While you don’t want to go overboard with your spending, you also need to be sure you’re using a safe platform.

Introduction to the Cloud Server Hosting

In a Shared or Dedicated architecture, a website was traditionally hosted on a single physical server. The website’s performance is determined by the server’s capabilities as well as the visitor’s geographical location.

The entire website data is distributed across multiple servers in multiple locations that are virtually connected. When a visitor visits a website, an algorithm determines the best way to display it, resulting in improved website performance. Cloud hosting further reduces the load time of a website since it is not dependent on a single web server and data is distributed across several servers in different regions.

However, the quality of Data Centers, hardware and network infrastructure, and the resources given to your website based on the Cloud Hosting plan will all affect the speed and performance of your website. As a result, picking the best Cloud Hosting Provider is critical. EstNOC is a well-known name in the cloud hosting industry. Since we’re on the subject of Cloud Services aiding website performance, it’s worth noting that their Cloud Hosting options include Varnish Cache.

If set properly, Varnish Cache may assist boost site performance by 1000 percent. It’s the type of caching that big worldwide websites like Wikipedia, the New York Times, and others employ. As a result, combining Varnish Cache with Cloud Hosting can result in blazingly fast page speeds for your website.

Integrate a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute your cached files over several servers or data centers across the world. As a result, instead of your content being served from a server in the United States, a CDN in Europe may send it to a user in London. The website would load significantly faster as a result. Cookie-free material is typically delivered through CDNs, which is always appealing to users. Cloud Flare, for example, operates a worldwide network of data centers. CDN companies, such as Cloud Flare, function by determining which portions of your website are static and which parts are dynamic as traffic passes through their data centers. Static sections of your site are subsequently moved to servers closer to your users, resulting in up to a 50% reduction in site load times. Of course, there are many suppliers to choose from, so do your research and compare services and products.

By caching material in several places across the world, CDNs improve the performance of websites. The CDN cache servers are usually closer to the end-users than the host, or origin server. Content requests are routed through a CDN server rather than the hosting server, which may be hundreds of miles away and connected to several independent networks. The use of a CDN can reduce page load times dramatically.

Optimize Images

Because picture files are bigger in size than HTML and CSS files, they frequently take the longest to load on a website. Image optimization, fortunately, can minimize image load time. Many image optimizers and image compressors are accessible for free online, and they generally entail lowering the resolution, compressing the files, and shrinking their size.

JavaScript and CSS files size can be reduced

Minifying code involves eliminating everything that a computer doesn’t require to comprehend and execute the code. This reduces the size of CSS and JavaScript files, allowing them to load faster and consume less bandwidth in the browser. Minification will only provide you minor speed boosts on its own. However, when combined with the other suggestions, it will improve website performance.

Reduce number of HTTP requests

For various assets on the page, such as scripts, images, and CSS files, on most web pages browsers will need to make multiple HTTP requests. Many web pages, in fact, will necessitate a large number of these requests. Each request necessitates a round trip to and from the server hosting the resource, which can lengthen the time it takes for a webpage to load. Furthermore, as the webpage uses resources from different providers, a problem with one of the hosts could cause the webpage to load slowly or not at all.

Because of these concerns, the total amount of assets that each page must load should be limited to a bare minimum. A speed test can also help you figure out which HTTP requests are taking the longest. Developers can, for example, seek a quicker image hosting option if pictures are slowing down a page’s load time (such as a CDN).

Use HTTP caching in your browser

The browser cache is a temporary storage location where browsers save copies of static files so that they can load recently visited webpages much faster instead of repeatedly requesting the same content. Browsers can be told to cache elements of a webpage that aren’t likely to change frequently by developers. In the headers of HTTP replies from the hosting server, instructions for browser caching are included. This substantially decreases the amount of data that the server must send to the browser, resulting in faster load times for visitors who visit specific pages often.

Minimal Use of External scripts

External commenting systems, CTA buttons, and lead-generation popups are examples of programmed webpage components that must be loaded each time a page loads. These can cause a webpage to load slowly or not at all, depending on the size of the script (this is known as ‘content hopping’ or ‘layout shifting,’ and it can be particularly annoying for mobile visitors).

If possible, avoid using redirects

When visitors to one page are redirected to another, this is referred to as a redirect. Redirects increase the time it takes for a page to load by a fraction of a second or even a whole second. Every second matters when it comes to developing a high-performance website. Although redirects are occasionally essential, they should not be utilized until absolutely necessary.

Backup Secured

Cloud services also give fantastic tools for backing up website data, which is an added advantage. If a website is hacked, spammed, infected, or damaged, this might be critical to the user experience. When a website is down, users aren’t happy. Your website will experience less downtime if you can rapidly access “clean” backup files in the cloud.


As you can see, the cloud can be utilized for a lot more than merely storing files. The proper integration of cloud solutions into your websites may reduce website load time. Lots of images and videos, as well as quick page load speeds, may coexist in today’s world. Indeed, the cloud is the ideal platform for delivering it all while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction.


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