Home Home Improvement Reasons to Install a Vacuum System

Reasons to Install a Vacuum System

Install the Vacuum System

Nowadays, organizing a home to maintain a standard of living or hygiene is a hectic task. In fact, even for selling purpose the homeowners wish to add value to the house by installing a vacuum system. The bulky and oversized portable vacuums are very affordable as they make your life very easy. Using these you can clean your home in a proper manner by removing all the dust and dirt, which might not be possible manually. The system removes every unnecessary object in your home. Most of us are not very familiar with the work mechanism of a vacuum system and whether these can be installed easily in our homes or not. Let’s first dig into the reasons for buying vacuum systems.

Portable Vacuums Became Outdated: – The portable vacuums might require a lot of maintenance after few years of installation. These portable vacuums are needed to be replaced in some years. In contrast, the central vacuum systems are straightforward, have a big trash capacity, are lightweight, and don’t require any cords. Additionally, the filter of the central vacuum rarely clogs, and the cost of these vacuums decreases over time.

Noiseless: – The portable vacuum system’s motor is very noisy, but for the central vacuum system, the motor is generally located in any vacant area of your home such as a garage or storeroom. That’s why it makes no noise while working. You can work with the vacuum system silently.

Easy To Use: – With the vacuum system, every corner of your house can be cleaned easily and quickly. The central vacuum system comes with various accessories, making it easier to clean the surface deeper. It will make your home look like as if it is being cleaned by any professional.

Makes Better Air Quality: – At times, you may find pollution level inside your home more than any industrial area. The vacuum systems ventilate the lousy air, which can lower the allergy symptoms by 60 percent. Installing a vacuum system will clean your house much better and make the indoor air fresh and safe to breathe.

Good Lasting: – The motor of the central vacuum system remains cool and stationary, and it allows having three times more suction power than any other portable vacuums. The central vacuum can even last up to 20 years, but a portable one can last only two years.

Increase The Home Value: – By installing the vacuum systems, home value can increase by around $3000.

How to Install the Vacuum System

While choosing the type of vacuum system, you will have to consider how much power you need to clean your house. Accordingly, you need to choose whether you need a canister or bag and whether you need a power brush and air driven brush.
The central vacuum system, including the garbage collector, can be installed in the garage, basement, or utility room. Moreover, the inlet valves are usually installed on walls in various parts of the home. These specific valves are linked with the central unit by the tubes. The tubes can run through the attic or basement.

Usually, the inlets will be there, where the power brush and hose are plugged in while cleaning. However, the inlets installations will depend on you, your preferences and needs. The professional installer can also assist you in choosing how many inlets you might need. Once the installation is over, the system can be used by plugging the brush or power hose in the walls inlet and pressing the power button located on the handle.


A vacuum system is something that makes your life much easier. But choosing a vacuum system can be a tricky task. Therefore, choose the right vacuum system for your house so that you don’t have to face any problems in the future.


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